Friday, September 25, 2009

Trusting our intuitions about people

After I wrote the bit about Annie Le's murderer not having object constancy I saw another new blurb where a woman student had studied with him and at some point he tried to get rough with her in a sexual manner. She "wrote it off" to his drinking too much and she said that he seemed to forget about the incident. But she did not forget about the incident, it sat inside her because she may have tried not to be aware of her true feelings: that there was something wrong and in fact scary about that man. There are a lot of sociopaths and psychopaths who are living lives as normal people and we live in a society that doesn't want to believe that there are bad people in the world. Better to be safe than sorry. If you feel uncomfortable around someone move away from them, let them go, we don't have to be friends with everyone. We are so good at stuffing how we feel because we have been taught that people are basically good. As much as possible, trust your intuition. Sometimes intuition speaks to us in anxiety about being with a person, sometimes it's a little voice in our head telling us to get away, or unsafe. Maybe you have your own way to feel intuitions, whatever it is listen to it even if you are getting peer pressure from other people or your inner judge. Trust yourself and trust your inner voices because they want to keep you safe. And it doesn't matter if the individual is a man or a woman, there are also crazy women out and about in the world, especially if you feel like you are walking on egg shells, you shouldn't have to walk on egg shells if the person is someone you trust and is really your friend. Take care of yourself, you are important. Blessings, Iris

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