Monday, September 14, 2009

Durable Medical Equipment Benefits and the Privacy fence

I spent most of the day responding to a letter of denial for coverage of therapeutic shoes. I suppose there are people who want to wear black therapeutic shoes with Velcro straps, but if I had a choice I would love to wear some fancy, multicolored sneakers or some high heels once in a while. Though actually, I don't really care what color my shoes are as long as they help my stability in walking and as long as they are comfortable. When I receive a response to my letter I will put more about that in the blog. Actually, if the letter does receive a favorable response I will put the letter I wrote in the blog in the hopes that perhaps the format will help someone else who is being denied "durable medical equipment." If the letter receives a negative response, well then, I will probably just say that now I need to pay for the therapeutic shoes on my own.

I decided to watch the end of the movie: "9 and 1/2 weeks," so I put it back into the DVD player and fast forwarded to almost the end. I watched it in fast motion with no sound until near the end of the movie. I was then glad to see that the beautiful woman left the controlling man at the end of the movie. Sorry, if you were excited about watching this movie and I told you the ending. I couldn't stand not knowing what happened to this woman at the end; did her friends rescue her, did he leave her, did she leave him, did he kill her, did she kill him? I did not find the movie sensuous and loving; rather I found it anxiety producing and stressful. What was he going to do next. I recommend throwing this movie on a bonfire--my opinion: controlling people do not need more training in how to control others.

While I was at The Eagle, county newspaper, today. I saw a little girl walking down Main Street by herself, and I thought about Jaycee Lee Dugard and the other stolen children. It also reminded me that 20 years ago when I lived in Suquamish, WA (near Bainbridge Island) I had a neighbor in my apartment complex who was a pedophile. He had a 15 year old boy living with him. This was 20 years ago, but in retrospect I wonder what the real story was behind that teen-ager living with an old pedophile. The boy never had very much to say. The old man said the youth was a street kid he was giving a home too. I wonder now, was I witness to a triple crime and to unaware to help that youth?

This AM I called my handy guy and told him that Diane, was grabbing and hanging onto the privacy fence while growling and shaking her head as if the fence were a rat she was catching and killing. In fact she was about to kill my new bamboo privacy fence with lots of holes and tears. I was going to ask him to put up a wooden fence over the privacy fence which is over my cyclone fence with brown slates to make for more privacy. Are you getting my gist here... Before I had an opportunity to ask him to put up a wooden fence in front of the privacy fence which is in front of the cyclone fence with brown slates, he said I will put up some chicken wire today. I said that sounds good, and I never had a chance to tell him about the wooden fence that was supposed to go in from of the privacy fence that is in front of the cyclone fence with the brown slates. I went out for a bit and when I returned the handy guy was putting the chicken wire in front of the bamboo privacy fence. The dogs, especially Diane, does not seem to like the feel of the chicken wire against her lips and muzzle. I had images of her hanging from the chicken wire by her teeth but she didn't seem very excited about biting the wire, perhaps the bamboo privacy fence will last a while after all.


  1. you can still get therapeutic shoes else where, plenty of places sell them you need to find them. You can start with, they have a large selection and good prices.

  2. Privacy fences have many different benefits. Probably the number one benefit is they create a private setting for any home, business or property.

    Privacy Fences
