Saturday, September 5, 2009

computer worms and frustrations

Good Morning, I had five computer worms to deal with with and haven't sent an e-mail or written here in more than a week. My friend, Mike, had dinner here last night, and he also worked on and fixed my computer. It took him hours of searching to clean everything out of the computer. He said sometimes it takes a week of searching. I was scared I would have to buy a new computer; that would meant going to the library to use their machines for a while. (Actually going to the library wouldn't be such a bad idea, it would get me more into the public and less at home by myself.)

Both my little baby finches died, first Speck and then Eddie. Yesterday I was at Lowe's and one of the workers asked me to take a baby pigeon she had put in a box. He is in my living room. I called the Wild Life Center in Astoria (503-338-0331) to ask them if they would take the little guy. They gave me lots of information about feeding him, but said they do not take pigeons because they are not native to the area. When I got home with him I wondered if he was a pigeon, the woman at the center said that baby pigeons are very ugly, he is rather strange looking. He has big feet and a bump on his nose. I thought he might be a rapture, but I guess he is a baby pigeon. He is eating and looks at me when I talk to him. I hope he grows up rapidly so I can set him free. He doesn't belong in a human house, he belongs in the house of the outdoors. So far I call him PeeWee, but that won't make me keep him if he survives: six finches and one canary are enough caged animals in this house.

I was at Lowe's buying a security fence for the back of my fenced in yard. My dogs act as a pack and sound like they are going to attack the backyard neighbor or the dogs in the house next to my house. I'm hoping to decrease what looks like agressiveness; their loud barking sometimes makes me feel crazy and it worries me that the neighbors might complain even though this is country; why be impolite... The security fence is a bamboo reed fence. I don't know how long it will last, but it was reasonably priced and my neighbor, Jennifer, has one section up against her fence. She was going to put a security fence up to hide her chickens, but so far she hasn't done that. Winter is coming, the dogs will want to stay in the house and her chickens will probably just stay in the garage during the coming cold and rainy weather. Speaking of weather, we are having "severe weather warnings" for the next couple of days; I guess it is going to be in the 60's with rain. What a summer this has been-first we burn and then we freeze.

On Sunday,I preached at the Episcopal Church. I call the sermon "housework." I'll put it on the blog later, when I get the pages I used for preaching out of my car.

The frustrations: there were so many days of not checking into the blog that I forgot my password; how many passwords can a person remember?! It was very frustrating to me because I am not very computer literate and it took a while to figure out how to get to the right window in order to input a new password. The computer class I took in college in 1973 did not prepare me for a personal computer and the next time I used a computer I was 36 years old and at work. I did not have a pc in my home until 2000. I love the internet, but be careful about where your cursor lands, there may be worms lurking and waiting to mess up your life.

your friend, Iris

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